Glory Race Round-Up – 06/23/2014

client_glory_announcement_eng1The battles for glory continue to be faught tirelessly across the UK, the USA and Europe, only leaving the best houses in the race.

World 7
House 4 have received their 2nd star in the Second Age!

Under the Leadership of their marshal jesterchaos, faction general of the Silent but Deadly, the Lords and Ladies of House 4 have gained their second star! The Free Folk of House 6 and the Royals of House 7 had the least points and have been eliminated from the race.

House 14 have received their 9th star in the First Age!

Under the Leadership of their marshal King Caveman, faction general of the Tornado Alley SOS, the Lords and Ladies of House 14 have gained their ninth star! The Rams of House 9 had the least points in the last round and lost one of their glory stars.

Europe 1
House 3 have received their first star in the First Age!

Under the Leadership of their marshal NTLCross, faction general of the EXTEND OF PANDORA, the Lords and Ladies of House 6 have gained their first star! The Heavenly Ones of House 1 and the Heroes of House 11 had the least points in the last round and have been eliminated from the race.
