Wolf Castle #6

The Wolf Castle #6 design is the first Wolf Castle walkthrough which I make the transition from attacks focused on Honor generation to attacks more focused on quick removal of the castle at the lowest cost possible. This design looks pretty harmless on the surface but all the bare spots in the castle are filled with Killing Pits.

Scouts needed to get castle report 4+
AI castle Sally forth Yes (4 Knights)
Armed Peasants emitted from Tunnel 30
Armed Peasant tunnel location Lower-Right (SouthEast)
Killing Pits Yes


Here we have the classic assault setup with Pikemen out in front with the Catapults behind and Archers along the rear and sides to protect the Catapults from Tunnel Armed Peasants and Sally-forth Knights. A frontal attack on this keep is best because there is much less moat to remove which means fewer causalities to our attack force and a much faster route to the Keep. As I noted previously, this attack on The Wolf is the first so far in this walkthrough series which does not concentrate on attacking for the sake of Honor generation, opting instead for a quick removal of this Wolf castle in a single attack

In setting up the Catapults I tried something new and targeted the Wolf’s Turrets, this idea ultimately failed as you can see in the result and despite the fact that I had around twelve Catapults firing on the Turrets, the Turrets remained intact. In future attacks I recommend targeting those fringe Catapults at the center of the castle as per usual or you could even consider removing twelve of the total Catapults altogether. Regardless, don’t get greedy and try to destroy both Great Towers else you might end up not removing either which makes the attack much more costly.

Wolf Castle 5 Setup Catapults

Wolf Castle 5 Setup


Surprisingly the hidden Killing Pits weakened many of my Pikemen leading to almost 50% of them being killed off before reaching the Keep. The Wolf’s Swordsmen in the keep were set to the aggressive stance causing them to exit the Keep and fight leaving the Keep empty when our Pikemen reached it. As noted above I aimed for just the Gatehouse and one Great Tower with the Catapults.

Total recruitment cost (values are in gold) 29,350
Recruitment value of surviving units 14,320
Actual recruitment cost to remove 15,030

Wolf Castle 5 Result

Wolf Castle 5 Result Table

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