Pig Castle #1

Pig Castle 1 Header

The lowest level Pig Castle you come across, just a step up from some bandit camps. Catapults aren’t really needed to remove this castle but I used them anyway for a “Shock and Awe” effect.

Scouts needed to get castle report 2+
AI castle Sally forth Yes (2 Knights)
Armed Peasants emitted from Tunnel
Armed Peasant tunnel location
Killing Pits No


Pretty much your standard surround and overwhelm setup, those poor boys on the blue team don’t stand a chance!

Pig Castle 1 Setup Catapults

Pig Castle 1 Setup


So much for targeting my catapults at The Pig’s two front-most towers, neither of them were destroyed but the aforementioned Catapults did succeed at tearing down both Gatehouses with minimal losses.

Total recruitment cost (values are in gold) 12,500
Recruitment value of surviving units 12,270
Actual recruitment cost to remove AI 230

Pig Castle 1 Result

Pig Castle 1 Result Table

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