Wolf Castle #3

Wolf Castle 3 commonly comes in two different strengths but for the purpose of this tutorial we will only focus on the first and easiest, the design I like to call Wolf Castle #3. This is arguably the most common Wolf castle next to Wolf Castle 11, it can vary greatly and if the average playerbase is low in any given parish this is the Wolf castle that usually appears.

The Wolf’s diverse array of defenses means you need to keep an eye out for the unseen as this castle boasts both Sally Forth Knights, Boiling Oil, and invisible Killing Pits. Beware!

Scouts needed to get castle report 2+
AI castle Sally forth Yes (4 Knights)
Armed Peasants emitted from Tunnel
Armed Peasant tunnel location
Killing Pits Yes


In this setup I placed the Catapults in the bottom-right corner to target them at the Keep. The vast majority will be outside the range of The Wolf’s garrisoned Archers and I also placed an extra 75 of my Archers around the Catapults to kill off The Wolf’s Sally Forth Knights and Swordsmen which are set to the aggressive stance.

Set up three or four preliminary Pikemen behind the white line to trip the oil pots before your main force arrives, the majority of your Archers should be grouped around the manned enemy towers, extras complete the 360 encirclement. By the time my Archers remove all opposing forces my Catapults will have had plenty of time to clear an opening to The Wolf’s Keep.

Wolf Castle 3-A Wave One Catapult Setup

Wolf Castle 3-A Wave One Setup


A pleasing result, I killed off all enemy defenders for maximum honor and loosing only one catapult. Greater care in placement might have negated this loss to naught but overall it was a very profitable and efficient attack.

Total recruitment cost (values are in gold) 14,950
Recruitment value of surviving units 11,200
Actual recruitment cost to remove 3,750

Wolf Castle 3-A Wave One Result

Wolf Castle 3-A Wave One Result Table

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