Avatar Update

09_2014_ud_client_enSet yourself apart from the rabble with new garments, accessories and thousands of new avatar combinations!

Sire, I have some troubling news. Your peasants have had the gall to discuss your current attire amongst themselves… Rumour has it that your majestic clothing is outdated! While we of course disagree with such contumelious talk and would rather have everyone hanged,  we do need workers. So we have ordered some new clothes for you to try on, my Lord! The newest Stronghold Kingdoms updates adds 29 unseen garments and accessories to your wardrobe, bringing new style to the Kingdom! Entertain your sedulous and loyal troops by wearing turquoise bunny ears on the battlefield, let a scar across your battle-hardened face send shivers of terror through your enemies’ veins or demonstrate your fearlessness by walking on a bed of ravaging flames. Create one of 4,608 new avatars as you please (Not counting colour variations) or let us put together a random unique outfit for you to try on.

With larger updates scheduled for the next few months we are thankful for your continued support, providing us with a steady flow of new ideas and suggestions. Don’t forget to visit the forums and submit your unique suggestions and make your mark on the Kingdoms experience, allowing you to be an active participant in the transformation of our Castle MMO. We already have a list of surprises lined up for you, large and small, which we can’t wait to share!

Discuss the new update with your fellow players in the Official Stronghold Kingdoms forum thread.